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Mildred Wirt Benson 2000 Holiday Scrapbook

The Nancy Drew Sleuths presented Mildred Wirt Benson, the original Carolyn Keene, with a handmade Holiday Scrapbook in December 2000. It was filled with letters and cards to Mildred from Nancy Drew Sleuths members as well as photos of member's collections and many thanks for creating the wonderful books we have all come to treasure. After putting the scrapbook together, we scanned it and these are the original scans we made before sending it off to Mildred.

To view the Mildred scrapbook, click on the pictures below for a larger view. Thank you to all Sleuth members who contributed to the scrapbook.

President Jennifer Fisher joined several Sleuth members in Toledo, OH in December 2013 to bid on this scrapbook at an auction of estate items from Mildred's daughter Peggy Wirt. She also purchased the Honorary Sleuth award we gave Mildred in 2001. These items now reside in our archives. Thanks to members who contributed to the cost of retrieving these collectibles!

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